Start to Finish - Agent Newsletter

Learn What We're Doing...

In our Newsletter, Christian shares what we're doing on our team to grow and sell more houses.  

We respect your privacy. We hate spam as much as you do!

Learn How We Grew to $400m

in sales volume, from scratch, in less than four years.

Lead Conversion

Building a sales system that converts leads, wherever they come from, is crucial to delivering more opportunities to your agents.

Agent Journey

Having a clear path of success for your agents will allow them to see their career with your team.

Recruit & Retain

Bringing on the right people to your real estate team is crucial to your success. People are the most important part of any business.

Christian Stubbs

Being in the industry for such a short amount of time, I have learned so many lessons from those that are willing to share. Being open and collaborative is one of the reasons why I started this newsletter for agents. I share our wins and our losses.

Drop your email below and I'll add you to our list.

Start to Finish Newsletter

Join Free, drop your email below.  We send weekly (sometimes more) messages on what we're doing that is working.  Rip-off and duplicate as Tom Ferry says.