How High are Your Standards?

Fast Value: There are three levers to increase your income. 1) Generate more leads, 2) Increase your conversion, and 3) Increase your average commission

“We do not rise to the level of our expectations. We fall to the level of our training.” – Archilochus

The standards you hold yourself to will determine your level of success in this business.

High standards = High success
Some standards = some success
Low standards = no success

There is no game plan to do 3 or fewer deals in a year as a real estate agent…

… but why are there so many agents that do 3 or fewer deals in a year?


It happens by accident. They’re in the right place at the right time.

If an agent actually works a ‘full-time’ job as an agent, they will do at least $4m per year in sales. There are just so few agents that put that level of effort into their career. It blows me away, but it’s true.

Since you’re still reading this, we know that’s not you.

The $100k per year game plan for my team.

Know these 5 numbers every week:

New Leads = 5 per week
Conversations = 15 per week
Appointments = 9 per week
Consults = 2 per week
Contracts = 1 per week

If you’re already above $100k per year, you know this… You don’t have to double these numbers to double your income. It happens automatically for most agents.


Because your conversion gets better the more reps you do. Train, practice, and role play more.


Your database compounds over time as well. Add more leads.

They both take time, but you have way more control over your conversion and how fast you improve it.

Generate more leads. Convert them at a higher rate. Make a higher commission on them. Repeat.