Everything You Need To Be A Successful Real Estate Agent

Join the FREE Community of agents and Team Leaders who are sharing what works and what doesn't.

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Join the Free Community.

Use this community to learn, grow and scale your real estate business.

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Inside this community, you'll have access to...

Top Producing Agents selling $20m+ in volume every year.

Team Leaders that run growing companies doing hundreds of transactions. I'll share everything that works (and doesn't) in my business that has sold $450m in sales volume since 2020. If you want to check us out, go to OnyxHomes.com.

Deep Dive courses that I use to train my agents to level up their business. These topics range from Sales Frameworks to Building and Converting a Database.

Plus, you'll hear from Experts within the industry.

Two Group Calls... One for a group coaching session and one for Questions & Answers.

I share everything that I learn from the time I spend with coaches and leaders. AKA I spend thousands every year to be on top of my game and you get it for free

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We Share Our 'Secrets'

This group is where we share what we are doing to grow our team. Our vision for our company is to grow Onyx Homes to be the #1 Team in California.


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