A little about me

Originally from New Jersey, I moved to California to pursue an education and any opportunity that came my way. 

I am a positive and creative thinker. I live by Thomas Edison’s famous words, “I have not failed, I have just found 10,000 ways it won't work.” There is not one way to solve anything. I consider myself a calculated risk-taker. Similar to cliff diving, a diver must first know how deep the water is. To jump without knowing what is below is foolish, but to push the limits of what most would run away from is truly living. 

I enjoy a good laugh. I don't like to take life too seriously. But when it is time for business, I am quick to dive in head first, tackle the task, and get the job done. I like to leave a positive impression on the people I meet. I wake up each day with a smile on my face and refuse to let that change. 

I joined SBLG because I saw a driven group of individuals who aspired to be nothing short of excellent. There is not one person on the team that I do not look up to.