The more I learn about business, the more I realize how simple it is.
There are proven processes of how to be successful all over the place… I’ve noticed that we often don’t realize them until they hit us in the face.
Here is a proven process of how to make six figures in real estate.
Bonus: If you’re average, you can do this with part-time hours. To make sure you’re better than average, I made a full training on our Sales Framework that is available in our free community.
I’ll share the process with you, but first, I want to share a bit of context. At our company, Onyx Homes, we track everything—and I mean everything. Someone who was a lot smarter (and a lot more successful than me) said, “What you track grows,” so I listened.
The reason that is important, is because it helps us know exactly what it takes to be successful. Or in this case, make $100k.
So far this year, our team has sold 76 homes.
Because we track everything, I know to sell that many homes, we needed to…
- Set 2,396 appointments
- Have 3,856 conversations
- Make 30,140 phone calls
Sounds like a lot, right? Well… it’s really not.
Let’s break this down.
Pro-Tip: This is exactly how we do business planning for our agents who commit to hitting their goals.
Let’s take a worst-case scenario… Meaning below our average price point, below our average commission, and no self-generated deals. For an agent to make $100k from Team Leads only (income, not GCI) they need to sell 18 homes in a year.
Because we track everything, we know…
To sell 18 homes in a year, an agent needs to
- Sell 1.5 homes per month
- Set 45 appointments per month
- Have 72 conversations per month
- Make 565 phone calls per month
Does that sound overwhelming?
Let’s break it down further.
How about you work 20 days per month. With 20 working days that means you would have to…
- Make 30 phone calls per day (2-3hrs)
- Set 2-3 appointments per day (1-3hrs)
So, with 3-6 hours of income-producing activities per day, you can make $100k.
Reminder: This is based on worst-case scenario AND the average conversion of all the agents on our team. So your numbers could be better or worse, but it’s a good starting point if you don’t know your numbers.
Whatever you do for the rest of your day is up to you.
Also, there are two big levers you can pull to dramatically increase your income.
- Increase your conversion
- Increase your lead flow
Massive bonus points if you do both. OR… You can increase your conversion and work less to make the same income. That is what is so amazing about this business.
On another note, I love talking about conversion, lead generation, and all things business. I’ve decided to go all in on building a community for agents like me.
Inside the community, I’m going to be sharing….
- Marketing that is working for our team and agents
- Sales trainings, frameworks along with our proven processes
- Access to other industry experts
- Takeaways from the $100k+++ I spend on coaching & consulting
There will also be group Q&A’s as well as well as group coaching calls once we get the community built up.
This community is completely free. There are two major reasons I’ve decided to go all-in on this community.
- I’ve learned so much from others ahead of me, and this is my way of giving back.
- I know that it will attract a lot of the ‘right fit’ agents to our team, Onyx Homes. While that isn’t the main goal, it’s a nice benefit.