The 90-Day Cycle of the Real Estate Business

The next three months are going to set the tone for next yea…

A History Lesson: Onyx homes

4.5 years = 566 units for $498m Here is what building my …

Provide your Client’s with Valuable Stuff

People don't like free crap. People like free stuff. b…

Increase Conversion with my Real Estate Sales Process

We have seen a huge shift in one thing from last year to thi…

Scaling Workshop Takeaways

I recently went to Vegas for a business workshop, and I want…

Real Estate Sales is a Marathon, Not a Sprint

Is this business a marathon or a sprint? I hope your answ…

Real estate is becoming more sales-focused

Our business is becoming more of a sales business and less o…

5 Years in the Business

Do you know where you want to be 5 years from now? I talk…

Are you getting buyer agreements signed?

Do you use buyer agreements in your business right now? I…

Onyx Sales Process

Did you see Zillow's new touring agreement? Regardless of…