Implement this Business Planning Strategy for a Successful 2025

2023 and 2024 were hard years for a lot of agents.
2025 will be a great year…. if you make it one.

Rolling into Q4 is a great time to make sure you’re set up for success. I’ve been following a quarterly and annual business planning structure for the last 3 years. It’s a rather simple process to follow, and it’s made a huge difference in my business. But there is one simple mindset shift that happened when we started.

We break everything down into weekly metrics.

Of course we have goals that we are striving to hit. But we’re more focused on doing what we need to do on a week-to-week basis. Especially because we have big goals, this makes everything smooth and attainable.

Writing a huge goal on the board is only the beginning of the conversation.

Here is how we break big goals down to weekly metrics.
– Big Annual Goal > Quarterly Projects > Weekly Metrics > Calendar the activities to hit the metrics

Here it is in a bit more detail:
Take the big goal and ask what has to happen for us to get there.

Then, we break the big goal down into projects. These are our ‘Rocks’ that we commit to doing quarterly. Once we have the Rocks identified, we again ask, “What has to happen every week to hit this goal?”

Pro-Tip: If you can’t break a goal down this way, it’s probably not specific enough.

Now that we’ve identified the weekly things that need to happen, we make sure there is room for it in the calendar. If not, we need to adjust our focus. What needs to be removed?

I meet with my leadership team every Friday for 90 to 120 minutes to review our metrics and solve our biggest problems. The rest of the week is doing the work. This keeps everyone crystal clear on what the goals are and what needs to happen.

If you’re wondering, this is the EOS model, and it works great.

Hope you found this helpful. If you did, share it with a friend.